Mailer Warehouse Direct Mail

Direct Mail Advertising remains a proven, cost effective way to generate new business as well as generate repeat business from your existing customers.

Unlike Radio, TV and Newspaper, targeted direct mail advertising allows you to choose the exact audience that will see your message. You decide who receives and reads your offer.



direct mail advetising pie chart


Mailer Warehouse has been implementing direct mail marketing campaigns since 1999. Eye grabbing marketing mailers with personalized sales copy sent to expertly targeted mailing lists.

Postcard Marketing

Even in the current age of a non stop pop ups, banner ads and other forms of electronic messages in the internet age, direct mail advertising using postcards remains an extremely cost effective way to generate new business and/or keep your existing customers engaged and buying. It is the time tested, proven way to grow sales .>. Read More

Snap Pack Mailers

Each snap pack mailer is personalized to the recipient rather than just another identical form letter. We mail merge demographic information about each and every recipient into the sales copy. Merging pertinent details fosters readership, and makes the likelihood of the recipient responding much more likely. > Learn More

Brochure / Mailers

A professionally designed self mailing brochure with a polished look and custom finish will tell customers the value of your product or service before they read a single word of sales copy. The look and feel of a polished, professionally designed brochure makes the right first impression for your brand. > Read More

Common Direct Mail Advertising Blunders

1. The quest for instant gratification: The ad that causes people to respond immediately through freebies is the ad most likely to be forgotten immediately once the offer expires. It is of little use in establishing the advertiser's identity in the mind of the consumer.

2. Trying to reach more people than the budget will allow: For a media mix to be effective, each element in the mix must have enough repetition to establish retention in the mind of the prospect. Too often, however, the result of a media mix is too much reach and not enough frequency. Will you reach 100 percent of the people and persuade them 10 percent of the way? Or will you reach 10 percent of the people and persuade them 100 percent of the way? The cost is the same.

3. Assuming the business owner knows best: The business owner is usually uniquely unqualified to see his company or product objectively. Too much product knowledge leads him to answer questions no one is asking. He's on the inside looking out, trying to describe himself to a person on the outside looking in. It's hard to read the label when you're inside the bottle.

4. Unsubstantiated claims: Advertising mailers often claim to have what the customer wants, such as "highest quality at the lowest price," but fail to offer any evidence. An unsubstantiated claim is nothing more than a cliche the prospect is tired of hearing. You must prove what you say in every ad. Do your ads give the prospect new information? Testimonials? Do they provide a new perspective? If not, prepare to be disappointed with the results.

5. Improper use of passive media: Non intrusive media, such as newspapers and yellow pages, tend to reach only buyers who are looking for the product. They are poor at reaching prospects before their need arises. The patient, consistent use of intrusive media, such as direct mail, telemarketing and radio, will win the hearts of relational customers long before they're in the market for your product. A 10 cent refrigerator magnet is sometimes better than a $10,000 yellow page ad.

6. Creating ads instead of campaigns: It is foolish to believe a single ad can ever tell the entire story. The most effective, persuasive and memorable ads are those most like a rhinoceros: They make a single point, powerfully. An advertiser with 7 different things to say should commit to a campaign of at least 7 different ads, repeating each ad enough to stick in the prospect's mind.

7. Obedience to unwritten rules: For some insane reason, advertisers want their ads to look and sound like ads. Why?

8. Great production without great copy: Too many ads are creative without being persuasive. Slick, funny or cute are poor substitutes for informative, and persuasive.

Things to consider with your direct mail marketing


    * Personalize your offer. Personalized mailers with variable data merges are more likely to resonate with the recipient and generate responses.

    * Send multiple rounds and do A/B testing to see which version gets the best response rate.

    * Include all of your information— (website, social media)—on your direct mail advertising so potential customers can find out more about your business.

    * Make certain your call to action is clear, actionable and compelling. Tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do

    Whether you are looking to drive foot traffic to a brick and mortar location, generate inbound phone calls or drive traffic to your web site ... Mailer Warehouse can help.

    Fidelity Direct QR Code

    * Insert a QR code into your mailer that recipients can scan with their smart phones to be instantly directed to your web site. QR codes are a great way to drive traffic to your web site and we will provide one free of charge that directs them to any web page you desire.

Direct mail marketing is a one of the most cost effective ways to GROW your business.

Please use the Mailer Samples link on top of this page to see samples of our postcards and mailers
then give us a call to discuss targeting the ideal customer for your direct mail marketing.

 Sales/Info   (239) 257-5060   10am-6pm EST


ROI projections using Mailer Warehouse advertising mailers

Scenario #1:

5,000 mailed ... 1% response rate = 50 Phone Calls
(10%) of total inbound calls closed = 5 closed loans
Total Avg. Revenue @ $3000 per closed loan = $15,000
RME total cost = $2,550

Return on Investment = $12,450


Scenario #2:

5,000 mailed ... 2% response rate = 100 Phone Calls
(10%) of total inbound calls closed = 10 closed loans
Total Avg. Revenue @ $3000 per closed loan = $30,000
RME total cost = $2,550

Return on Investment = $27,450


Scenario #3:

5,000 mailed 3% response rate = 150 Phone Calls
(10%) of total inbound calls closed = 15 closed loans
Total Avg. Revenue @ $3000 per closed loan = $45,000
RME total cost = $2,550

Return on Investment = $42,450


This is a sample analysis using a mortgage company postcard marketing campaign as an example. These are estimates and will vary with different commission structures.

Also, you must consider the life-time value of a newly acquired customer including repeat business and their referrals

 Sales/Info   (239) 257-5060   10am-6pm EST

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