Return Envelope Snap Pack Mailers
Return envelope snap pack mailers have a detachable return envelope built into the snap mailer.
The recipient can send in a payment or fill out a form and send it back in an attached return envelope with your return address pre-printed on it.
We mail merge the recipient's name or a customer ID on back of the return envelope so there is never any mistake of exactly who responded or sent in a payment.
Return envelope snap pack mailers are preferable to a tear off z-fold postcard for lead generation because the recipient puts the filled out form with their information into a sealed return envelope and their information remains confidential and safe..
Return envelope snap packs are the perfect medium for requesting payments. The recipient simply encloses a check into the pre-addressed return envelope with their name and return address pre-printed onto the return envelope.
Mailer Warehouse offers traditional snap mailers as well as tear off reply card snap packs and self addressed return envelope snap pack mailers
Top half is used for marketing copy or for a lead generation form the recipient fills out and inserts into the detachable return envelope contained on the bottom half of the mailer.
Call or use the quote form below for pricing/quote requests.
Please include the total number of mailers you wish to send and what geography you want to target so we can respond with correct pricing and a correct count for your mailing list.
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